Thursday 24 September 2009

Marathon Goal updated

As an infrequent blogger I see that the last post of substance was regarding the London Marathon in April 2009. I was supporting my sister that day rather than running myself because I had, just a few weeks earlier, competed at Paris. My Paris marathon had been a PB and as such how could I complain. And yet I was disappointed in my cautious approach and had commited to an autumn marathon almost immediately. It was to be in Berlin on a course which by general consensus was flat and therefore fast. So my sub-3:15 goal was set and all I had to do was recommence the training.

This also coincided with collection of the new road bike under the Cycle to Work Scheme and I continued my cycle commute to work but with a new enthusiasm and quicker speed. I was some weeks cycling to and from work every day resulting in 24+ miles per day and almost an hour and half cycling. This regular cycling meant I was finding it difficult to fit in time to run but these low impact cycle work-outs were maintaining / building the fitness. This continued until going on holiday in late July and then I ran everyday along the Promenade des Angles. I ran what I suppose I would call 'Tempo' by pushing the pace although not running for too long. I varied the pace some days and included running up the steps to the Chateau as repeats after a shorter run. On my return home I continued to emphasise the running over cycling although I did cycle to / from work at least a couple of days per week. But I also included running home from the office.

During August I completed the 'Race the Train' event and then in September another tough off-road race Eridge Park 10. These races were completely different from the upcoming marathon but would challenge me not to run fast and set PB's but instead to provide variety in the training. Alongside this were some shorter 5k races to give confidence on speed.

After Eridge Park I did one last run around local roads on the Tuesday and then no further training. On the Thursday I went out for the day as a volunteer at a triathlon for school kids which was hard work spending the day on my feet.

Travel to Berlin was very early Saturday morning and including the trip to the Expo to collect number and chip meant a long day on my feet. Evening included a meal in a nice Italian restaurant and then early to bed.

Race day morning started at 6am sharp with alarm and then down to hotel breakfast, First thought was breakfast was full of a lot of other runners followed swiftly by the excellent discovery that porridge was available. So a large bowl of porridge with honey and milk washed down with a few cups of tea. Plus a banana and a slice of toast completed the fuelling. Back in the room I consumed a bottle of water with an added tablet of electrolyte mix. By 7am I stopped drinking as we left the hotel.

We walked slowly in the direction of the Tiergarten and noticed another large group of runners heading down into the U-Bahn. We followed them. Emerging on the eastern side of the park we followed the slow snake of runners heading towards the runners 'camp'. It proved more hard work than it should to find the bag drop but after some circular walking it was located and then it was a relatively short walk to the start pens. Two last toilet stops ensured that there would be no mid-race toilet break. Once in the pen I sat on the side of the road and waited. The time was passing slowly but I felt calm and relaxed. The pen was busy but I was reasonably placed and with about 5 minutes to go I dispensed with the yellow bag and gently warmed up with a few movements.

Then the race started and although there is always that false moment where nothing happens the mass of runners slowly edged forward.

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